Monday, January 03, 2005

Ten little incidents....

Bangla Lesson #2
shovo shokal - good morning
shovo shonda - good afternoon
shovo ratri - good night
et - one
dui - two
tin - three
cha - four
pach - five
choy - six
shat - seven
utt - eight
noy - nine
dosh - ten

I know I said I'd come here to learn things... I had no idea how true it would be when I said that....

et - I just found a little mouse hiding in my room yesterday... Although I didn't scream or anything, I started taking some precautions against the little fella... Like wearing my shoes in the room (so it can't accidentally on purpose bite my feet), locking everything in the metal cabinet (i hope it can't bite thru that) and putting my guitar on the chair (I checked it for bite marks... none so far)...

dui - It's good to have running water... Even better to have hot running water... But when there's no hot water... Just be thankful when you can finish bathing or washing a sock or a mug without having to wait for the pathetic little trickles... I dun even need a shower head anymore... Just figured out the shower yesterday night... before that I was showering from the sink and that was good... Especially when you get spurts of hot water...

tin - Nights here really are quite dodgy... Especially in the crowded dark areas... Have to be on your toes all the time... Cos either everyone is staring at you funny when you jostle with them, or you're afraid of losing your guide in the crowd, or you just might get run over by a rickshaw or a car... Then there's the worry about being mugged cos you're the only asian face around and to some, that might mean... $$... (I'm not sure... But I think i would have been quite a funny sight to some ppl... Imagine a young asian girl walking closely behind an old and shorter Bangladeshi man... clutching her bag with all her strength and having a scowl on her face to ward off muggers... Hilarious!!) Given another chance to walk around at night... I might give it a pass... or just get thru it in a CNG... Or... I could coal my face... and wear a sari...

cha - Whether it's 56K or cable... As long as you have internet connection that is working... Praise God... Then you can finally check your mail... And go online... And blog... And when you're lucky, a certain special someone will email you and totally make your day! =p (...of cos i'm talking about Jess... Her boyfriend is totally sweet... haha...yeah right...)

pach - It would be nice to have a washing machine... And have a good place to hang everything... But, all I ask for now, is a pail to wash my clothes... And some sun so that whatever I wash will actually dry.... Talk about simple pleasures man.... According to Il Mare the movie, it's therapeutic to do laundry... I wouldn't know actually... I haven't started washing the big things cos I've only been here what... 3 days... Plus, I haven't got my pail yet....

choy - Never thought I'd say this... But I would actually like to have something to eat which isn't too salty, too oily or too sweet... Not a chance over here... Everything is too sweet, too salty, too oily... And if they could do it, it'd probably be all three! Either I'm gonna get diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure... Otherwise, I'd just go back home fat! On top of being completely unrecognisable because I'm darker and when I talk I bob my head from side to side... (That's for you racists out there....) But seriously, there goes the plan of going home stick thin and having nicer arms when I wear my dress for my sister's tiffany inspired wedding.. Gotta figure out a way to eat healthier... (bet my mum's gonna have a lot to say to me when she reads this bit...)

shat - No matter how many times you take a rickshaw... You will always feel like falling off.... It's just the way it is... I decided that rickshaw riders are very skillful and they make sure the wheels dun get into any potholes in the ground... so there's no chance of the thing falling to the side... but you still feel like you might fall... It's also freaky when the cars drive right next to you... or when everyone horns at everyone else... kinda like morse code or something... Still, it's not as bad as China... Where people drive with their hand on the horn... Only stopping to take a breather....

utt - Once you've walked around enough on the roads, you get used to the air looking like there's sand in it that hasn't settled.... For that matter... the sand never settles... Everything has that brown sheen to it... Shalini's grossed out by the dust that gets on her face... I'm grossed out by the black snot that you snuff out of your nose at night... (ok... shall stop with the gross details)

noy - This is the first time I find that jeans and a long sleeved sweater isn't conservative and decent enough.... Need to get a sari or a shawl... So that I can cover myself... It's not really that I think anything is wrong.. But I'm quite attention grabbing i discovered...(like Wu Bin said... It's the first time I'm the centre of attraction to so many men) And it's good for the summer when a sweater would be way too hot for the 35 deg midday sun...

dosh - When you're far away from home, everything that reminds you of home is a good and bad thing... Good thing - It makes you feel an affinity with it... Bad thing - the affinity makes you cry... I spent the whole of last night looking at old videos and pictures of family and friends... It's interesting that little 3x4 pieces of glossy paper with faces on them can have such a great impact on you... (ref. family photos that my sister printed for me...) Huimei made a mistake and burnt me a copy of her birthday video instead of the camp video... But i think that was more fun than the camp video... Cos the Chou Kuan & NIE gang was there too.. There's this picture done by a singaporean here in Drik.. A collage of 9 square pictures taken from singapore... I have to stare at it everytime i walk pass... There's also the good thing about autoroam... I can make and receive calls and sms to Singapore anytime I want... (that's a hint to all lazy bums & utter cheapskates who dun wanna email me... your charge would be singapore rates... it's only when i reply that it's expensive...)

So that's ten things I've learnt so far... I'm sure there are others that I can't recall now... There's also the problem that I can't count beyond ten... will get back with more stuff soon I guess... In the meantime,

"Shovo Shonda!"


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