Saturday, April 09, 2005

Gwen Buddhi Barcche... (Gwen's getting clever...)

Just completed a crash course in digital photography... "The Digital Survival Kit" organised by Ikon Photo and conducted by my very own BIG BOSS... Mind you... It was a very good workshop...

In two days, I cleared up all my doubts about resolution and pixels and bits and all that annoying microscopic thingys that every digital-using person needs to know but that no one ever bothers to figure out... I'm proud to say that I finally got it all sorted out... Not without much consternation and frustration of cos...

Don't worry... I'm not about to bore anyone with any of the specifics... But if you wanna know... Email me...

If you don't have my email... Drop me an email and I'll give it to you... =)

The only problem with the workshop was... I was the only non-bangla speaking person in the room and that meant that Boss had to speak in bangla most of the time... On the first day, I was trying my best to follow what he was saying with whatever pathetic knowledge of Bangla I had... I was quite lost... But Boss was good... He'd notice when I had a pained look on my face, the look i had when i was completely clueless, and translate into English for me... Next day, I knew better... I sat right in front of Boss... So he could see my pained look immediately... And... I kept asking him to translate not only what he said but what other people in class had asked... Plus, I'd ask questions about things from his notes that I didn't understand...

It pays to be inquisitive in this case...

So after several hours of sitting in the Ikon Photo Studio, feverishly taking down notes and trying very hard to digest every bit of information being thrown out... I now have a little notebook with all the information given during the workshop and an official certificate of participation to show for it... So proud of myself!

Final Note: Nightbirds, our long overdue photos from the outing we had while I was in SG is finally out! Check it out here... Password Hint: Name of Gwen's favourite Initial D character... If you're dyslexic and can't spell, it's your problem...


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