Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Birthday Parcel!

I once thought it might happen… But I didn’t expect it to really happen… After all, it was supposed to arrive in 2 weeks, not after 3 weeks…. My parcel arrived on my birthday!!

I only got the parcel today… But it arrived yesterday according to the people at Drik… And the best thing is, I didn’t even need to go down to GPO… Topu paid the guys Tk25 and they delivered it down to the office! I went to the office to accompany Jessica and I got a birthday present instead!

It is one very heavy parcel I tell you… There were tee shirts, pants, socks, a lovely Polo Ralph Lauren jacket, a shopaholic book (which I already have and read and left at home… but now I can read it while I’m here…), tons of chocolate, moisturizer, photos of my mum with a new haircut (Mummy seems to have aged a bit…), picture of my sister while she’s posing for her wedding photo (my friends and I agree that is a very nice picture… Did Yeechin take it? Can’t wait for the actual pictures… I want a copy of it in digital!), and I haven’t even mentioned the heaviest item in the box…

My family’s love…

They packed all the love they could fit into my parcel… The entire box was filled with it! Every little crack, every corner, in every item placed in it… My mother and sisters must have painstakingly filled up every space with all the love fit to pack…

And since love cannot be seen immediately and they didn’t want me to miss it, they wrote me a card… A simple Me to You card in the silver envelope… And a message from every one of them… How come Yee Chin didn’t write? He’s family too… (That’s just for him… I know he reads my blog too… Hi there!)

It’s so nice to receive it on my birthday… One of the things that 22 brought I guess (see previous blog)…

If I could beam myself home for just 10 minutes, I would run to my family, hug every one of them real tight and give them two kisses each… One on each cheek… for balance…(even da jie who doesn’t like physical affection) And tell them…

“Xiao mei loves you very much!”


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